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NOTE Work In Progress Currently migrating docs from 0.6.x to 0.7.0. Everything works, but there are some undocumented parts.

The config is the heart of uRequire, to the user's side. This file is both docs & the defaults of the config file/object.

Scroll to some super cool config examples, that show the power of uRequire & its config.

Note: Literate Coffescript

This file is written in Literate Coffeescript: it serves both as markdown documentation AND the actual code that represents the master config. Most code blocks shown (unless otherwise noted) are the actual code, i.e each key declares name and default value.

module.exports = MasterDefaultsConfig =

NOTE: This file primary location is & copied over to the - DONT edit it separately in the wiki.

@see the tags legend of the documentation

Config Usage

A config determines a bundle and a build that uRequire will process. A config is an {} with expected keys & can be used as:

  • File based, using the urequire CLI (from npm install urequire -g) as $ urequire config myConfig.js, where myConfig.js is a node module file that exports the config object. The file can actually be a .coffee or .js node module, or a .json file as well as many other formats - see butter-require. The 'XXX' of `derive:'XXX' can be another parent file (eg parentConfig.yml), relative to the 1st children's path. @todo: make relative to each children's path).

  • Using grunt-urequire (preferred), having (almost) the exact config object of the file-base, but as a urequire:XYZ grunt task. The difference is that `derive:'XXX' can be another urequire:XXX task, and if its not found its assumed to be a filename, relative to Gruntfile.js.

  • Within your tool's code, using urequire.BundleBuilder.


uRequire configs are extremely versatile:

The 'bundle' and the 'build'

uRequire config has 2 top-level keys/hashes: bundle and build. All related information is nested bellow these two keys.

@note: user configs (especially simple ones) can safely omit bundle and build hashes and put the keys belonging on either on the 'root' of their config object. uRequire safely recognises where keys belong, even if they're not in bundle/build.


The bundle hash defines what constitutes a bundle, i.e where files are located, which ones are converted and how etc. Consider a bundle as the 'source' or the 'package' that is then processed or built, based on the build part of the config.



The filesystem path where source files reside (relative to urequire's CWD, or Gruntfile.js for grunt-urequire).

@mandatory But, if bundle.path is ommited, it is implied by the 1st config's file position (only for file-based 'config' command, not in grunt-urequire's config).

@example './source/code'

@alias bundlePath DEPRECATED

  path: undefined


All files that participate in the bundle are specified here. Its the ultimate filter of your bundle, virtually including or excluding files. Its very versatile

@type filespecs

@derive arrayizeConcat.

@note all files are relative to bundle.path

@alias filespecs DEPRECATED

@note the z in filez is used to segregate from gruntjs files, when urequire is used within grunt-urequire and allow its different features like RegExp & deriving.

@note: The master default is undefined, so the last child filez in derived hierarchy determines what is ultimately allowed.

@default: The actual default (runtime hard-coded), if no bundle.filez exists in the final cfg, is ['**/*'] (and not undefined). That's why its optional!

  filez: undefined


Copy (binary & sync) of all non-resource bundle.filez (i.e those that are BundleFiles) to build.dstPath as a convenience. If destination exists, it checks nodejs's fs.statSync 'mtime' & 'size' and copies (overwrites) ONLY changed files.

@example copy: ['**/images/*.gif', '!dummy.json', /\.(txt|md)$/i]

@type filespecs

@derive arrayizeConcat.

@alias copyNonResources DEPRECATED

@default [], i.e no non-resource files are copied. You can use /./ or '**/*' for all non-resource files to be copied.

  copy: []

The name of the bundle, eg 'MyLibrary'.

@note: serves as the 1st default for bundle.main (if main is not explicit).

@alias bundleName DEPRECATED

  name: undefined


The 'main' or 'index' module file of your bundle, that requires and kicks off all other modules (perhaps implicitly).

@optional unless 'combined' template is used, or you have a build.template.banner.


 bundle: main: "MyAwesomeLibrary"

whereas 'MyAwesomeLibrary.js' would be something like:

    return {
      aModule: require('somepath/aModule'),
      anotherModule: require('somepath/anotherModule')

or the module.exports = {...} version.


  • bundle.main is used as 'name' / 'include' on RequireJS build.js, on combined/almond template.

  • It should be the 'entry' point module of your bundle, where all dependencies are require'd. Then r.js recursively adds all dependency tree to the 'combined' optimized file.

  • It is also used to as the initiation require on your combined bundle. It is the module just kicks off the app and/or requires all your other library modules.

  • Defaults to, 'index', 'main': If bundle.main is missing, it defaults to, only if there is a module by that name. If fails to match an existing module, 'index' or 'main' are used as bundle.main (again provided there is a module named 'index' or 'main' - which ever found first). In all cases of automatic discovery, uRequire will issue a warning.

  • Its the name of the module build.template.banner is added.

If bundle.main can't match an existing module, it will cause a 'combined' template error.

  main: undefined


All information related to dependencies handling is listed here.



Allows you to import or better inject via Module.injectdeps() specific dependencies (i.e other modules) throughout the whole bundle, under the given variable name(s).

The use case is when you want to access lodash from as _, backbone as Backbone and even myUtils/foobar as foobar in all your other modules, without having to declare a boring var _ = require('lodash') in each and every module.

Each module receives an injection of all the dependencies.imports, so you don't have to list them in each module.


dependencies: { 
  imports: { 
   'lodash': '_',
   'jquery': ["$", "jQuery"],
   'myUtils/foobar': ['foobar', 'utilsFoobar'], 
   'common/config': 'config'

will give you :

  • Injection of Modules / dependencies 'lodash', 'jquery', 'myUtils/foobar' and 'common/config' to each module in the bundle, BUT avoiding circular references, so your bundle's modules listed in dependencies.imports (like 'myUtils/foobar' and 'common/config') will not be injected in each other at all, but will receive all the local deps like 'lodash'. See more details on this and how injection works in Module.injectdeps().

  • Accessing of _, $, jQuery and 'foobar' and 'common' variables everywhere.

  • Working the same way on all templates, on any environment (AMD, nodejs, Web/Script).

  • Saving space: on 'combined' template, all dependencies.imports are required (& loaded) only once, made available from within the bundle's 'combined' closure.

@type depsVars

@derive dependenciesbindings

@note the shortcut depsvars format, can also be used (eg ['underscore', 'jquery', 'models/PersonModel']), in which case the vars are inferred].

@see Module.injectdeps() which powers dependencies.imports - use it to customize even more the dependency injection behavior.

@alias bundleExports, exports.bundle both DEPRECATED

    imports: {}


Make a module be available GLOBALY (by attaching it to window and/or nodejs's global object) under varName(s), same as in Exporting Modules.

Access via plain varName works both in browser and nodejs.

  • On browser its attached as a property to window object

  • On nodejs its attached to the global object with the same effect: accessing it via its name from everywhere.

@note: When bundle.dependencies.rootExports is present, you control noConflict via build.rootExports.noConflict which defaults to true (overriding noConflict defined within the module, as described in Exporting Modules).


bundle: dependencies: rootExports: {'models/PersonModel': ['persons', 'personsModel']}

is like having a

({rootExports: ['persons', 'personsModel'], noConflict:true});

in module 'models/PersonModel' as described in Exporting Modules.

@type depsVars

@derive dependenciesbindings

@note both window and global objects exist as an alias of each other on the 'combined' template or when build.globalWindow: true (the default) on all other templates.

@alias dependencies: exports: root DEPRECATED

    rootExports: {}


Replace one or more dependencies with another. Enables you to substitute with mocks, substitutes or provide compatibility etc.

It replaces all right hand side dependencies (String value or []<String> values), to the left side (key) in the build modules.


  lodash: ['underscore', 'otherscore'],
  newDep2Name: 'oldDep2Name'

replaces all 'underscore' or 'otherscore' deps to 'lodash' and all 'oldDep2Name' with 'newDep2Name' in all modules of the bundle.

All deps are considered / translated to bundleRelative:

  • 'depDir/dep' matches and/or replaces the deps that resolved to this as bundle relative, even if they are declared in the code of 'someOtherdir/someModule' as require('../depDir/dep') (when authored with the nodejs fileRelative path convention).

  • '../../some/external/dep' will fall outside the bundle, it refers to a directory that is two '..' steps before bundle.path and will match require('../../../some/external/dep') declared in 'someOtherdir/someModule'.

@see inject / replace dependencies in Manipulating Modules.

@type depsVars

@derive paradoxically its dependenciesbindings

    replace: {}


Dependencies (declared as filespecs) listed here are treated as node-only: they aren't added to the AMD dependency array (and hence not available on the Web/AMD side).

Your code should not use these deps outside node - you can use __isNode, __isAMD, __isWeb available in uRequire compiled modules with build.runtimeInfo to follow a different branch in your code.

Using bundle.dependencies.node has the same effect as the node! fake plugin, eg require('node!my_fs'), but its probably more useful cause your code can execute on nodejs without the template conversion that strips 'node!' and you can declare in them in bulk without poluting the source code.

@type filespecs, used WITHOUT extensions (.js), only as deps.

@derive arrayizeConcat.

@example node: ['myUtil', 'my_fs', 'node/*', '!stream']

@alias noWeb DEPRECATED

@stability 2

@default All known built-in nodejs packages (as of 10.8) like 'util', 'fs' etc are the default of bundle.dependencies.node. Use node: [[null], 'myNodeModule'] to reset the node array with only your modules.

@note: If your bundle contains a dependency that is also in dependencies.node (eg you have 'url.js' in the root of you bundle), then this is considered to be a node-only dep, so you DO need to exclude it with '!url', or it wont be available on the AMD side.

    node: [
      'fs', 'events', 'util', 'http', 'path', 'child_process',
      'events', 'crypto', 'string_decoder', 'timers', 'tls'
      'domain', 'buffer', 'net', 'dgram', 'dns', 'stream',
      'https', 'querystring', 'punycode', 'readline', 'url',
      'repl', 'vm', 'assert', 'tty', 'zlib', 'os', 'cluster'
      'console', 'freelist', 'sys', 'constants' # 'module' conflicts with dep.isSystem


Declare your local packages, like 'lodash' or 'when' that are installed either on npm (i.e node_modules), bower (i.e bower_components) or vanilla (eg /vendor). Local deps are NOT considered part of the bundle, hence they are not reported as "Bundle-looking dependencies not found in bundle".

All deps that have no nested path (i.e no '/') and are not in the bundle's path (eg 'lodash') are considered as local automatically. The only reason you would need to declare a dep as local is :

  • you use something like require('when/callbacks') and it's reported as "Bundle-looking dependencies not found in bundle", but it shouldn't be. So you list when in locals and everything that falls below 'when/**/*' is also considered local.


@stability 3

@example locals: ['when'] or locals: {'when': 'bower_components/when'}

@type :

  • Array<String>, eg ['when', 'backbone', 'lodash']. Declare only the first path part of you local-only deps, eg 'when', instead of 'when/node/function'

  • depsVars type where

    • keys are the first part of the local dep name

    • value(s) are the paths when the dependency 'main' can be found. eg

       'when': "bower_components/when"
       'backbone': "node_modules/backbone"
       'lodash': "node_modules/lodash"

      locals: {}


  'when/callbacks': 'whenCallbacks'

  'when': 'bower_components/when'

Doesn't work with combined template running as plain script - when needs to be combined too - check their docs.


      useCache: true
      override: undefined
      bower: undefined
      npm: undefined

    shim: true


List of dependencies bound with one or more vars.

@optional list them only as reference/backup, when they cant be inferred], or some specific deps shouldnt be inferred.

@note In case identifiers can't be inferred (i.e only used require('myLocalDep') without assigning to a var) and bindings aren't in bundle.dependencies.depsVars (or _knownDepsVars below), then the build will fail.

@example { underscore: ['_'], jquery: ['$', 'jQuery'], }.

@type depsVars

@derive dependenciesBindings

@alias variableNames DEPRECATED

    depsVars: {}


Some known depsVars, have them as backup - its a private field, not meant to be extended by users (use depsVars).

@type depsVars

@derive dependenciesBindings

@alias _knownVariableNames DEPRECATED

@todo: provide some 'common/standard' ones.

      chai: 'chai'
      mocha: 'mocha'
      lodash: "_"
      underscore: "_"
      jquery: ["$", "jQuery"]
      backbone: "Backbone"
      knockout: ["ko", 'Knockout']


An Array of ResourceConverters (RC) (eg compilers, transpilers etc), that perform a conversion from one resource format (eg coffeescript, teacup) to another converted format (eg javascript, HTML).

ResourceConverters is a generic and extendible in-memory conversions workflow, that is trivial to use and extend with your own, perhaps one-liner, converters (eg ['$coco', [ '**/*.co'], ((r) -> (require 'coco').compile r.converted), '.js'] is an RC).

The workflow unobtrusively uses bundle & build info like paths and is a highly in-memory-pipeline and read-convert-and-save only-when-needed workflow, with an integrated capability (grunt or standalone).

Read all about them in

Notes on RCs:

  • Each file in bundle.filez that is matched by an RC is considered a Resource that needs convert()-ing.

  • All non-matching filez are just BundleFiles - useful for declarative sync bundle.copying at each build.

@optional unless you want to add you own Resource Converters for your conversion needs.

@derive arrayizeConcat. Hint: You can use [null] as the 1st item to reset inherited/parent array items (i.e the ResourceConverters defined in parent configs) and add your own RC or lookup, clone and change an existing one.

@stability: 3 - Stable

@type An Array<ResourceConverter>, where a ResourceConverter can be either :

  • an 'Object', for boring formal RC definitions.

  • an 'Array' (for fancy RC-specs)

  • a 'String' name search of a previously registered RC, eg 'teacup'. Note that name flags passed on the search (eg '#teacup'), find the actual RC, modify it according to the name flags, strip the flags and then return the RC.

  • a function that returns an RC. This function is called with the 1st argument & this with a searchOrMaterialize function that takes a String name (or an Array-spec) of an RC and returns a looked up (or materialized RC). For example:

    // example - not part of source
    resources: [
      // lookup & clone an RC 
        // (use rc.clone() to get a proper instance)
        var rc = search("RCname").clone();
        // change the clone's name
        // & type to 'module' via '$' name flag = '$MyNewRCname';
        // add some file specs to `filez`
        // return the new RC, which is
        // added to `resources` array
        return rc;
      // create a new RC from an Array spec
      // add some fields and return it
        // create an RC {} from an RC []
        myRC = materialize([ 'myNewRC', [/./], convertToMoreFn]);
        // we now have an {} RC with above fields
        myRC.srcMain = 'main.lessIsMore';
        return myRC;

    If the function returns null or undefined, its not added to the Array.

@note Important: The order of RCs in resources does matter, since only the last matching RC determines the actual class) of the created resource (file).


A dummy example follows (in coffeescript) :

# example - not part of source
resources: [
 # search registered RC 'teacup' & use as-is

 # search RC, change its flags and return it

 # search, clone, change, return in one line
 -> tc = @('someRC').clone(); tc.filez.push('**/*.someExt'); tc

 # define a new RC, with the fancy [] RC-spec
 ['$koko', ['**/*.ko'], ((m) -> require('koko').compile m.converted), '.js']

 # define a new RC, with the grandaddy {} RC-spec
   name: 'kookoo'
   type: 'module'
   filez: [ '**/*.koo']
   convert: (m) -> require('kookoo').compile m.source
   convFilename: '.js'

 # define a new RC, and reuse an existing
 # with the magic search-create-alter function
 # passed as `this` (@ in coffeescript)
   # lookup an existing
   kookoo = @ 'kookoo'
   # return a new one, that uses `kookoo.convert`   
   ['$doodoo', [ '**/*.doo'], kookoo.convert, '.js']


By default resources has ResourceConverters 'javascript', 'coffee-script', 'livescript', and 'coco' as defined in Default Resource Converters.

Some extra RCs are registered, but not added to 'resources' - they can be used by searching for 'teacup', 'execSync' or 'lessc'. Feel free to contribute yours.

  resources: require('./ResourceConverters').defaultResourceConverters


This is an opportunity to add code once and have it included:

In all templates, the code should access only bundle.dependencies.imports vars & other globals. It should not it self require anything, cause its depedencies are not (and should not be) analyzed.

@see inject code and strings in modules & Merging code in bundles


  commonCode: undefined


When running on nodejs, for dependencies that refer to web's root (eg '/libs/myLib'), it maps / to a directory on the nodejs file system.

When running on Web/AMD, the AMD loader (eg RequireJS) maps it to the http-server's root by default (eg

webRootMap can be absolute ('/mnt/libs/') or relative to bundle.path. - it defaults to bundle.

@example "/var/www" or "/../../fakeWebRoot"

@note webRootMap is currently working only with 'UMD' template.

  webRootMap: '.'


The build hash holds keys that define the conversion or build process, such as where to output, details on how to convert/build etc.



Output converted files (Modules & Resources) onto this:

  • directory, for all templates except 'combined'

  • filename, if 'combined' template is used and build.template.combinedFile is undefined.

    If using 'combined' template & combinedFile, you can:

    • omit dstPath and all converted resources will go in the same directory as the combinedFile file.

    • specify any alternative dstPath, where all other resources (non-modules) will be written.

@note: build.dstPath, like bundle.path, is relative to urequire's CWD or Gruntfile.js for grunt-urequire.

@mandatory unless build.forceOverwriteSources or build.template.combinedFile is used

@example 'build/code' or 'build/dist/myLib-min.js'

@alias outputPath DEPRECATED

  dstPath: undefined

The name of the build target - when using grunt-urequire, it becomes the multi-task @target. So with grunt config {urequire: 'dev': {bundle : {...}, build:{target:undefined} }}, will become 'dev'.

@optional coerced to @target if using grunt - otherwise set it what ever describes your build.

@example 'UMD', 'dev', 'min', 'specDev' etc

  target: undefined


Output on the same directory as the source bundle.path, overwriting all files. Useful if your sources are not real sources.

@note: Be warned that when true, build.dstPath is ignored and always takes the value of bundle.path.

  forceOverwriteSources: false


The template to use to either convert:

  • each module file, to a new format like 'UMD', 'UMDplain', 'nodejs', 'AMD' etc

  • all modules files into one combined.js file, using the special 'combined' template that actually drives an r.js/almond conversion.


  • The simple usage is a String of the name of the template as a string among the available Build.templates = ['UMD', 'UMDplain', 'AMD', 'nodejs', 'combined']

  • A hash that has the following optional values :

    template: {
      name: {String}
      moduleName: {String}
      banner: {String|Boolean|Function}
      debugLevel: {Number}

The String name of the template, as in simple usage above.


name: 'combined'


For the 'combined' template only, you can declare the combinedFile, if its different (or instead of) build.dstPath.


combinedFile: 'build/someOtherPath/combinedModulesFilename.js'


The combinedFile and build.dstPath derive from each other, if either is undefined:

  • In the previous example, if build.dstPath is undefined, it will default to 'build/someOtherPath/'

  • If combinedFile is undefined, it will use build.dstPath with a '.js' appended.

  • if both are undefined uRequire will quit (unless forceOverwriteSources is true).

If both are defined, they will be respected, leading to a possible different path where combinedFile is written and where all other non-combined files (that are part the bundle) are written (eg bundle.copy, htmls, css etc).


By default, when AMD is present, 'combined' template calls define() that registers your combined bundle as an anonymous module - this registers in the AMD system with the name of its path (eg uberscore-min).

You can change this behavior and call define with a moduleName eg moduleName: "foo/title" here. Its useful when you want to 'inject' it inside some other hierarchy (than what its filename implicitly defines it as), eg you want to have 'foo/bar' as a separate packagefoo_bar.js` but correctly register its self on your dependency tree.

You can even load such a combined file with moduleName via plain script eg <script src='foo_bar.js'>, without RequireJS throwing the Error: Mismatched anonymous define() and then you can do a require(['foo/bar', function(foo_bar){ foo_bar.doStuff()}).

Be careful with it though, cause RequireJS sometimes silently fails in some cases, if there's a mismatch between the declared moduleName and the name it would give it if it were anonymous when another module requires it. Its complicated and rough, as many things in AMD :-(


moduleName: 'foo/bar'.


Adds a banner at the top of either your bundle.main UMD/AMD/nodejs file, or the top of the combined file.

It works perfectly along with the build.optimize: true, knowing when to concat it. This has many positive implications, so for example when the rjs optimizer is used on the combined file, you can have a build: rjs: preserveLicenseComments: false to strip all other banners included in the bundle but yours which is added at the end of the process (but watch out for license deprivation).

The value can be of 4 different types:

  • String: concatenated as-is.

  • Boolean: a true value creates a default banner out of your package.json using name, version, homepage, author, description, license/licenses, repository and current date.

  • Object: a hash with values resembling a package.json, using the default banner generator above.

  • Function(package, bower, bundle, build): is called with these parameters so you can build your own banner generator function that should return a String.


banner: true

banner: "/* I am a banner on top /"

banner: {name: "MyProject", version: "2.0-beta"}

banner: function(pkg) { return "/*" + name + " v" + version + "/"; }


Template debug - outputs section comments. Values are in the range of 10, 20, 30. Multiply those by 10 and you'll get console.logs of sections while they load. Highly experimental and for hard core debugging only!


debugLevel: 0

@see Conversion Templates in docs.


  template: 'UMDplain'


Adds __isAMD, __isNode & __isWeb variables to your modules, so you can easily determine the execution environment your module is running in.

For example they can be used to select a different execution branch, depending on where the module is executing. Make sure to add modules that are nodejs-only to bundle.dependencies.node so they aren't loaded in AMD (i.e not added to define() dependency array).

See a Q&A / tutorial on how this helps nodejs/browser cross development at

@note 'combined' template always has runtimeInfo enabled cause it it.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

@example runtimeInfo: ['index', 'libs/**/*']

  runtimeInfo: true


Like coffeescript --bare:

  • if bare: false (the default), it encloses each module in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE):

    (function () {
  • if bare: true it doesn't.

The IIFE is just a top-level safety wrapper used to prevent leaking and have all variables as local to the module and to provide the build.globalWindow functionality.

@note if bare: true, then build.globalWindow functionality is disabled.

@note It doesn't apply to 'combined' template: your modules & almond are always enclosed in a single IIFE, and windows === global is always true and the modules themselves are plain define(...) calls.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  bare: false


Add the famous 'use strict'; so you don't have to type it at each module.

Its added either at:

  • the begining of each module's body, for modules that pass filespecs or to all modules if build.useStrict: true.

  • once at the closure of the 'combined' template, only if the value is true.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

@default is undefined, which doesn't inject use strict; on any module, BUT in combined template it enables the corresponding rjs config useStrict: true. Effectively this allows 'use strict;' on the modules that already have it. Use false to give a false on rjs, which strips them off and true to inject it once on the combined template or on each module in UMD/AMD/nodejs (even if modules already have it).

  useStrict: undefined


Allow global & window to be global === window, whether on nodejs or the browser. It works independently of build.runtimeInfo but it doesn't work if build.bare is true. It uses the IIFE that's enclosing modules to pass 'window' or 'global' respectively.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

@note the global === window functionality is always true in 'combined' template - false-ing it makes no difference!

  globalWindow: false


Always inject exports, module as dependencies on AMD/UMD templates from modules that are originally AMD (it always inject them on originally nodejs/commonjs modules).

Having exports around solves the circular dependencies problem with AMD, so its enabled by @default as true.

@note to make this commonjs circular dependencies workaround work (see it in requirejs docs), you need to export only the plain {} that exports already points to, not a function or any other value of your own. Eg you do only a exports.myKey = 'myValue' and NOT anmodule.exports = "my module value"`

@note uRequire fixes the AMD mandate that you still need to return exports or return module.exports that both point to {the:'module'} from the AMD factory (not just setting module.exports = {the:'module'}). With uRequire conversion you can use exports as you normally do with nodejs/commonjs modules, and never return it even from AMD modules.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

@note modules originally nodejs and converted to AMD/UMD always have exports, module injected anyway, and ALL converted modules always get a require dependency, so you never have declare any of the 3 stooges.

@optional changing the @default being true, would save a few bytes in each module definition, with the cost of falling into the circular dep trap and having to return exports etc. Advice is to leave it on, and never manually type define(['require', 'exports', 'module', ..], function(require, exports, module, ..){..} etc again!

  injectExportsModule: true


Holds keys relating to how bundle.dependencies.rootExports are build into the converted modules.



When evaluating to true for a module, it doesn't produce the boilerplate for exporting modules (& noConflict()). It ignores both :

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

@alias build.noRootExports DEPRECATED

    ignore: false


Builds modules in such a way that exporting bundle.dependencies.rootExports on root (i.e window/global) works only on the declared runtimes (among 'AMD', 'node' and 'script').

@type Array with one or more among 'AMD', 'node' and 'script', which represent the 3 common runtimes.

@derive none - child simply overwrites parent

@example if you want the root exports to work both when running as script (eg. combined template or noLoaderUMD ) but also on when AMD loader is used (see rationale in amdWebGlobal UMD variant, use ['AMD', 'script'].

@note if you specify an empty array [], its effectively like having build.rootExports.ignore: true.


@alias build.exportsRoot DEPRECATED

@default is to export only on 'script', not on node's global object and not on window when loading through AMD.

    runtimes: ['script']


Controls the generation of the noConflict code - considered only when of bundle.dependencies.rootExports is present, in which case it overrides the noConflict value declared in the module it self (as described in Exporting Modules).

    noConflict: true


By default, ALL require('missing/NodeStyle/Dep') in your module are added on the dependency array define(['existingArrayDep',.., 'missing/NodeStyle/Dep'], ...).

That's because, even if there is even one dep on the deps array, runtime scan is disabled on RequireJs. So, if any require('dep1') is not in that AMD deps array, requirejs loading halts. uRequire adds them all to prevent this problem, even if your have ommited them (and well you did, DRY is a virtue).

With scanAllow: true you allow the require('') scan of requirejs that happens either at runtime (costs at starting up) or when using the combined-template at the rjs / almond optimization stage. This is meaningful only for source modules that have no other define([]) deps (even injected), i.e. modules using ONLY require(''), either written as a pure nodejs module or AMD.

@note: uRequire disables scanAllow per module, for modules having any of these :

all for a good reason.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  scanAllow: false


Pre-require all require('') deps on node, even if they aren't mapped to any parameters, just like they are pre-loaded as AMD define() array deps. It preserves the same loading order as on Web/AMD, with a trade off of a possible slower starting up (they are cached nevertheless, so you gain speed later).

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  allNodeRequires: false


Add dummy params __dummy__param__n for deps that have no corresponding param in the AMD define array. Should not be needed but might solve some issues with dependencies not loading on nodejs.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  dummyParams: false


Allow modules to execute and register their exports (as defined in [bundle.dependencies.rootExports] or rootExports), even when running without an AMD or CommonJS loader, i.e it runs on a browser via <script src='my/UMDModule.js'>. It works only:

  • on 'UMD' and 'UMDplain' templates.

  • if module has local/global dependencies only (eg 'underscore') and those have already load them selves (eg as window._).

If the UMD module has bundle deps (eg 'my/models/Person') it needs an AMD loader and loading as <script src="require.js" data-main="MainModule">.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  noLoaderUMD: false


Provides a warning when a UMD module is loaded as <script>, but the build.noLoaderUMD generated code is missing.

@default true as a warning to new users, advice is to turn it off & save space (when you know AMD or CommonJs loader is present).

@see build.noLoaderUMD

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  warnNoLoaderUMD: true

Watch for changes in bundle files and reprocesses only changed ones.

The watch feature of uRequire works with:

@note In grunt-urequire, at each watch event there is a partial build. The first time a partial build is carried out, a full build is automatically performed instead. You don't need (and shouldn't) perform a full build before the watched task (i.e dont run the urequire:xxx grunt task before running watch: xxx: tasks: ['urequire:xxx']). A full build is always enforced by urequire.

@type truthy/falsey OR Integer which the _.debounce wait (in milliseconds) after each file watch event (works only when using urequire's watch instead of grunt's. Effectively its how long to wait to start the build, after each file watch event. DebounceWait defaults to 1000 otherwise.

  watch: false


Print bundle, build & module processing information.

@type: Boolean

@todo: make it less verbose / work better with build.debugLevel

  verbose: false


Debug levels 1-100.

@todo: make it less verbose - reassign levels

  debugLevel: 0


Dont bail out while processing when there are soft / module processing errors.

For example ignore an RC conversion error or a missing dependency and just do all the other modules.

@note: Not needed when is used - the continue behaviour is applied to

  continue: false


Optimizes output files (i.e it minifies/compresses them for production).


  • false: no optimization.

  • true: uses sane defaults of 'uglify2' to minify/compress.

  • 'uglify2' / 'uglify': specifically select either (with default settings). @note: 'uglify' works ONLY for 'combined' template, delegating options to r.js.

  • Object - just like 'uglify' or 'uglify2'.


  • optimize: true - simplest, minifies with 'uglify2' defaults.

  • Passing options to uglify2, works the same on all templates & r.js optimization.

      output: beautify: true
      compress: false
      mangle: false
  optimize: false
  _optimizers: ['uglify2', 'uglify']


Callback to pass you the converted content & dstFilename of each resource/module, instead of saving to filesystem under dstPath/dstFilename via

@note: Its not working on the resources when 'combined' template is used, cause r.js optimizer doesn't yet work in-memory, so the files have to be saved for the r.js optimization to work.

@type function (dstFilename, converted){}

@default undefined - uses instead.

  out: undefined


This is set by either urequireCMD or grunt-urequire to signify the end of a build.

  afterBuild: []

@alias done DEPRECATED (but still supported)


Clean directory or destination files in build.dstPath.

@type booleanOrFilespecs

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

clean rules

On every initial / full build:

If clean: 'true',

  • on non-combined template builds, the whole build.dstPath directory is removed before reading anyfiles, just like a grunt:clean task against the directory.

  • on combined template, only the combined.js file (and possible leftover temp directory) is deleted (cause your directory might contain other files).

If clean is a filesspec type (eg `clean: ['some/**/file.someext', '!', (f) -> f is 'dontDeleteMe.txt']), only files passing the filespecs filter are deleted in any case (along with any possible leftover combinedFile temp directory).

On subsequent partial builds, no files are deleted.

  clean: true


Delete destination files when their source is at an error state. Useful when watching builds or when the directory is not clean.

@note One successful conversion of the source file needs to be in place for dstFilename to be established.

@note On 'combined' template, it also deletes the last combinedFile.js that was build.

@type booleanOrFilespecs. Note: filespecs refer to source filenames (but of course only their corresponding destination files are deleted, not the source ones).

@derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite

  deleteErrored: true


The [r.js config], when combining with r.js (combined template).

Its keys are just _.defaults for urequire's idea about using r.js with combined template, so use with caution!

@stability 2

@example build: rjs: preserveLicenseComments: false

  rjs: undefined


Borrowed from the Grunt config with comments of uBerscore, which also powers uRequire.

The 'urequire: uberscore' task:

  • read from source, write to build

  • filters some filez

  • converts each module in path to UMD (the default)

  • copies all other files to build

  • injects losash dep as _ in each module

  • exports a global window._B with a noConflict()

  • injects a VERSION string inside the body of a file

  • adds a banner to main (ouside UMD template/minification)

  • cleans (deletes) dstPath before starting the build

  • watch changes, convert only what's really changed

# config is .json, .js, gruntjs task, .coffee, .yml, you name it
uberscore:                    # serves as 'name' & consequently 'main'
  path: 'source'
  dstPath: 'build'
  filez: ['**/*']             # can be RegExp, Function, exclusion etc
  copy: [/./]                 # copy non-converted files, only if changed
  main: 'uberscore'
      bundle: 'lodash': '_'   # _ will always be there for you
      root: 'uberscore': '_B' # _B will always be there for everyone
  resources: [                # simple manipulative concat
    [ '+inject:VERSION',      # isBeforeTemplate: true, i.e AST is parsed & a module is there!
      ['uberscore.js'],       # only on this module, inject the following
      (m) -> m.beforeBody = "var VERSION = '0.0.15';"]
  template: banner: "// uBerscore v0.0.15"
  clean: true
  watch: true

Now, lets derive from the above and:

  • Use 'combined' template

  • adds a banner on top of the main / build file

  • all modules go into one file that runs everywhere

  derive: ['uberscore']
    name: 'combined'
    banner: '// I am a banner that goes on top'
  dstPath: 'build/uberscore-dev.js'

Finally the 'urequire: min' task

  • derives all from 'urequire: dev', with differences:

  • filters some more filez

  • converts to a single uberscore-min.js with 'combined' template

  • injects deps (different than parent's)

  • manipulates each module:

    • replaces 'lodash' with 'underscore' (for compatibility, mocking etc)

    • removes all debuging code, matching skeletons

    • removes code (eg debug stuff ) and a dependency from a specific file.

  • disables runtime info, for all but one files

  • minifies the combined file, with some uglify2 options

  derive: ['uberscore']
  filez: [ '!**' ]
  dstPath: 'build/uberscore-min.js'
    imports: [
      [null], 'underscore', 'agreement/isAgree']
    replace: 'underscore': ['lodash']
  resources: [
     '+remove:debug/deb & deepExtend', [/./]
     (m) ->
       # match each of these code *skeletons*
       for code in [ 'if (l.deb()){}', 'if (this.l.deb()){}',
                     'l.debug()', 'this.l.debug()']
         # replace with undefined, i.e delete
         m.replaceCode code
       # replace AST maching code & a dependency
       # from a specific file
       if m.dstFilename is 'uberscore.js'
           type: 'Property'
           key: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'deepExtend'}
         # remove this dependency
         m.replaceDep 'blending/deepExtend'
  runtimeInfo: ['!**/*', 'Logger.js']
  optimize: { uglify2: output: beautify: false }

Finally we easily configure our grunt-contrib-watch tasks

    files: ["source/**/*"]
    tasks: ['urequire: uberscore', 'urequire: spec', 'mocha']
  options: spawn: false